Lizzie McGuire (2001–2004)
A Fun Trip Down Memory Lane
30 June 2020
With the arrival of Disney+ and the news of a revival coming later this year, I just had to revisit the part of my childhood that was Lizzie McGuire.

It was one of my favourite shows growing up. I thought it was so fun and unique with its added animation, quirky editing, and somewhat silly sound effects. And, for the most part, it still is.

I was a bit overly critical of the show in the beginning as the quality clearly doesn't look as good as it did when it first aired (I could literally count the number of pixels in Lizzie's animated persona!), and, in general, it took me a couple of episodes to get used to its style again. So, only when I adjusted my expectations did I start to enjoy it more.

Admittedly, this is very much a tween series, so my interest was a little lacking due to some of the aforementioned childlike qualities, but, despite its lighthearted approach, they do occasionally deal with some important topics/issues that today's generation of kids could very well benefit from too.

For a show that's almost twenty years old, it was fairly inevitable that there'd be some outdated ideas/opinions put forth, not to mention very clichéd, stereotypically written characters. But, even with these flaws, there's still something charming enough about the show that keeps you watching. For me, it was the nostalgia (so I'm not sure how a first-time viewer would feel) and the smile-inducing bloopers at the end of every episode which, honestly, were the most personally enjoyable moments of the show.

So, while this may not be the best series out there, it provides some decent entertainment and notable lessons and guidance for its target demographic, propelled by more than adequate performances from the main cast.

Oh, and the theme song? Still a banger!

Score: 6.5/10
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