I wish there was an English dubbed version.
1 July 2020
I was flipping through Netflix and came across a preview of "Put Your Head on my Shoulder". I watched the preview and saw this very adorable girl ( Xing Fei ) on a bus making cute but weird faces. I figured it would be a goofy show but I wanted to watch one episode.

I typically don't watch shows that I can't understand the language but I was captivated by the story and the goofy anime-like foliage. Even though I hate reading subtitles I finished watching the entire 24 episodes. There were parts in there that had me tearing up and I'm very far from being called an emotional person.

Even though I finished watching it, I would love to watch this again in a dubbed format. However, I don't want the voice actors to ruin the subtlety of the original cast.
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