There are 3 lessons here:
1 July 2020
1. UK media are hacktivitsts masquerading as journalists.

They're so easily whipped into a frenzy by the slightest (unsubstantiated, I might add) shift in the wind, and will run wildly with accusations and innuendo without so much as an ounce of research.

It's no wonder the US media has become such a spectacle after seeing so much of this nonsense for so long.

The moronic female media member talking about how even SHE would know to secure the scene as a crime scene immediately just proves how out of their depth these supposed professionals are; how could you possibly know it's a crime scene when the little girl could have just wandered into the resort on her own? They searched the villa first, which is what I'd expect a family to do, with all hands on deck.

2. Portuguese authorities are every bit as inept as the media they used for their own benefit. These complete morons have zero idea how to conduct a proper/thorough investigation, much less work with media as a tool.

The moment the idiot compares himself to the FBI, I knew how completely incapable they were to solve this case, much less stating that releasing the stripe in Madeleine's eye would put her in danger? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

They arrived far too late, bungled the investigation as much as possible, and when they knew how utterly out of their depth they were, refused to get out of their own way and ask for help from far superior agencies.

3. Dogs as investigators is PROVEN junk science- much like handwriting analysis, analyzing reactions as proving guilt/innocence, etc.

Far too many people have been tossed in the trash heap based on these and other methods and later proven innocent to ever take this supposed evidence as anything but junk ever again.

Dogs simply want to please their trainers/owners and will react whichever way they feel will get them the best results. Without PROPER certification on the actual abilities of a dog/animal, there should never be another animal allowed to investigate a crime. You might as well be using a psychic.

This doc series does a solid job of exploiting all of these aspects, and shining a light on the ineptitude of all involved here.

I understand the McCanns simply wanted their daughter found, but letting Gerry speak at all was a mistake of immeasurable proportions, much less going to dinner while allowing your unsupervised children to sleep in another area of an unfamiliar resort.

I keep going back to this last bit- how do you avoid a tragedy? In most cases, common sense.

No, you absolutely cannot stop someone hell bent on making you a victim 24/7, but, as my mother always said "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." The sheer fact that these seemingly intelligent people (most of their group were doctors) felt perfectly justified in leaving eight sleeping toddlers/small children asleep outside of the watchful eye of at least one capable adult still boggles the mind.

In what world does this seem remotely rational? If you can't get to your child within 1 minute of a cry/scream/waking/etc., you're too far. Coupled with being in a country they're unfamiliar with, at a resort you have zero clue of the intentions of all employees, in the dark, at a place that OFFERED childcare services, just so you could have a meal and drink yourself silly with your doctor buddies?

For sobbing out loud, they had a GRANDMOTHER along, why wasn't she supervising the children in a single room? I don't care how 'tired/exhausted' the kids were, or how much of an inconvenience it would have been to have to be bothered with picking up your child(ren) and carry then back to your room- as a parent, your first responsibility ALWAYS lies with your child. Period.

This absolute dumpster fire was completely avoidable, and I'm very sorry they're still awaiting the return of their daughter. If nothing else ever comes of this tragedy, I sincerely hope it is a cautionary tale of how not to behave on vacation.
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