A hidden gem
2 July 2020
The Party's Just Beginning is listed on IMDb as a comedy/drama, but I would say it falls much more heavily into the latter category. It is a pretty heavy going film at times, dealing with suicide, mental health and depression in an uncompromising and unforgiving way. It really is quite a unique film, and one that blindsided me in its frankness, sombre tone but also its beauty in parts. Themes of friendship, loss, love, hope, and despair are explored in a very nuanced and accomplished way by debut filmmaker Karen Gillan.

I love Gillan's back catalogue of work, and have to say that she was astoundingly good in this. Given the right film she is destined for an Oscar, I'm almost certain of it. There was so much going on beneath the surface of her performance, so much depth to her emotion and pain, it really was a treat to watch. Her character was very well crafted, and I loved the non-linear story telling which slowly explored her relationship with Alistair throughout the film. For me what Karen Gillan did really well was create a character who was in such a dark place, but who we as an audience could fully sympathise with and support. There was lots of emotional investment for me in this film.

The Party's Just Beginning uses silence and also its score really well in conveying emotion and meaning. This film wasn't flooded with dialogue, giving the audience plenty of time for contemplation on the events of the film and to digest them. Much like the film, the setting of the Scottish Highlands was gritty, harsh, yet beautiful, mirroring the themes and tone of the film perfectly. A real triumph for Gillan in terms of performance, script and direction.

This film really is a hidden gem which I can't recommend enough. It excels in so many areas and, while it might not be everyone's cup of tea, is most definitely worth watching to find out.
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