Review of Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs (2014 Video Game)
Watch Dogs
3 July 2020
Intro: Watch dogs is a very polarizing game as some love it some hate it the hate spawned mainly from graphical downgrades due to it being released on the last gen consoles aswell as current gen consoles in the files of the pc port the stuff needed to mod the original graphics back into the game if you want with that said lets get into it

Story: The story of this game is a tale of revenge after the main characters neice was killed in an attempted assassination of the main character aiden pierce the goal of the game is to find who is responsible for her death and well kill him while i think the story is decently good the main character aiden pierce can come off as a bit of a brick wall of a character however its not the worst offender of this and it easy to get past and enjoy the game

Gamplay: The gameplay is fine for the most part driving is okay but nothing special and the gunplay can be clunky but not the worst the hacking abilities can be utilized in fun ways and easy escapes while i enjoyed the story some of the missions can be pretty meh and after finishing the story the side activities are pretty boring and uninteresting with no rewards customization is there but very limited

Coop And Multiplayer: I have only played a small amount of the online i got into a few multiplayer sessions and its fun for a bit but after a while gets boring as the open world is not as in depth as other open worlds in games but can be fun in short bursts

:Visuals Now although the graphical downgrade happened before release its still looks pretty good especially for a game that can be played on the ps3 and xbox 360 and is not that bad but the downgrade is obvious if you just take a look at the original trailers

:Conclusion Its a fun experience but honestly i think you play it once and thats all you need and i see no reason to play through the game more than once but the one experience is worth a playthrough and that is why i rate this a 7/10
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