Altered Carbon: Payment Deferred (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
Comically bad execution of a great concept.
3 July 2020
It's been some time since I saw the first season. I remember being quite fond of it. However: Watching this new season showed me that it hadn't been too memorable after all. There were a lot of plot points and even characters that had completely slipped my mind. So, can this hold up when you don't have Kinnaman's run as Kovash fresh on your mind, and you even forgot his AI companion?

Sadly not.

While the scenario and the general plot are quite interesting and the cyberpunk aesthetics are to my liking, the dialogue and acting are barely sub-par. It often feels like watching cut-scenes in a videogame where the budget for motion-capturing ran out. The steady monologuing of the main character, or better: The monotone growling of pretentious platitudes while wading through videoclips in slow motion is a great instrument to cut my interest in half every time it happens. And it happens a lot. The stuttering performance of the governor is unbearable.

So all the reviews that say that this can't hold a candle to the first season might have a point. It doesn't feel like an entire waste of my time yet, but while the overall concept is still interesting, the execution is borderline unprofessional.
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