Review of 3

The X-Files: 3 (1994)
Season 2, Episode 7
Shh. It'll be worth it.
5 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
3 is about Mulder investigating a series of killings involving vampires.

It's atmospheric, but I can't see the intent or value of the episode. It's about vampires and it's filler, it's not bad, nor is it good. Mulder's in a dark place and wants company, that's about it. Love the scene with Dr. Browning though.

Dr. Browning: An edema ball at the nostrils. Rupture of the skull due to internal steam pressure ... these are indications of long term exposure to extreme temperatures, not a sunburn for 15 seconds.

Mulder: The guards found no flammable materials? I had believed that this man's illness was psychological.

Dr. Browning: There is a condition known as Gunther's Disease - congenital erythropoietic porphyria creating cutaneous photosensitivity.

Mulder: I'm familiar with porphyria. It's an affliction which causes lesions and blisters when skin is exposed to sunlight, not fourth degree burns. Sufferers may have a hema deficiency which can be supplemented by a small ingestion of blood, not the kind of bloodthirst this man had. It's probably ignorance of porphyria as a disease that led to the creation of vampire myths in Asia in the Middle Ages. I had dismissed the possibility of the actual existence of such a creature as myth.

Dr. Browning: You are really upsetting me. On several levels.
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