Ignored DS9 the first time. Watched the entire series three times in nine years. This documentary is the perfect bookend.
7 July 2020
Like a lot of Star Trek fans I grew up watching TNG as a kid. It was one of the few shows my entire family watched every Sunday as a family. Finally, in 1993 DS9 came on and it aired right after TNG every Sunday so we watched it.

By the time season 3 rolled around I was in my mid-teens and was more interested in spending time with friends and playing sports in high school, so I did not watch Deep Space Nine again....until it hit Netflix in 2011 for the first time.

The first show of the Star Trek's that went live on Netflix was Deep Space Nine. Wow...just wow. It was obvious to me my young teen self under appreciated those first two seasons and then the rest of the series. It was amazing.

Then in 2016 I watched the entire series again. One episode everyday when I hit the treadmill. The 44 minute episodes were perfect amount of time for my daily workout with my IPAD.

I finally watched the series for the third time because of the Cornavirus pandemic, and powered through the entire series in about three months.

I just finished the series yesterday and watched the Documentary today for the first time. What a bookend.

Ira did an amazing job on this documentary. It did not feel overwhelming but sweet and sincere and enough to make me feel great again about the franchise. Not a huge fan of Ira's politics, but I am the type that still respects other people's beliefs.

Overall, Deep Space Nine is one of the greatest TV shows of all-time and thee best Star Trek series.

This documentary series is a must watch for any fan. Highly recommend. 9/10.


My wife and I asked each other of all the Star Trek crews which one would you want to belong to and hang out with. Both of us simultaneously said, "DEEP SPACE NINE".
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