It's dance magic and It's electric!
10 July 2020
Well, these are three twenty minutes Equestria Girls stories. The first story is about musical competition between The Rainboom girls and Crysrtal Prep Academy students. Whicn turns into wonderful musical dance perfomence. This story is cool and the song Dance Magic is pretty catchy, rspecially Pinki Pie's rapping.

The second and the third stories are connected. They intrduce us barand new character, Juniper Montage, which is one of my favorite EG characters. And, of course, Starligh Glimmer in human worls - you just gotta see this.

All specials are really cool. My favorite is the second. I like it more than others not only because of Junipe's firsy appereance, but also because uf funny Scooby-Doo reference.
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