StarCraft: Brood War (1998 Video Game)
Starcraft Completed
11 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains spoilers for the single-player campaigns.

Starcraft: Brood War is the expansion to Starcraft. It is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The video game features the continuation to the story started by the original game in its single player campaign. The multiplayer features additional units to each of the three races.

The single player maintains the excellent standard set in the original game. The single player starts with the Protoss fleeing to Shakuras, the Dark Templar homeworld. The campaign continues following the Dark Templar, Zeratul and templar Artanis as they seek to expel the Zerg from their homeworld. Kerrigan, freed from the Overmind's influence, has desires of her own. The Protoss campaign is a great story of a race in exile as they try to rebuild. The campaign captures many aspects of the Protoss and with Kerrigan's new found independence, the story has enough twists. The next campaign follows the United Earth Directorate's assault into the Kropulu Sector. The campaign has the player dismantle much of the original inhabitant's civilizations. The campaign is more of a setup to the world with interesting aspects as the United Earth Directorate pacify the new forming Overmind. The last campaign follows infested Kerrigan as she seeks to destroy the Overmind and United Earth Directorate. The last campaign is a master stroke in story telling. Kerrigan was already one of the more interesting characters from the original and this last campaign made her the best character Blizzard had written until this point. Kerrigan establishes herself as the queen of the universe through playing each of the other factions against one another.

Gameplay wise the single player uses its formula of attack, defense, and special operations through its campaigns. The player will know how the new units work using them, and against them. The missions offer a good challenge with the Zerg campaign being the hardest.

The multiplayer is much more balanced than the original. The new units give each of the races more variety in their strategies. For example, Terran player can now use stimpak on their marines and firebats more liberally when accompanied by a medic. Protoss players can use the corsair to fend off aerial attacks with its area of effect air attack. Zerg has the devourer which aids in the destruction of capital ships. The multiplayer is incredibly well designed and has great replay-ability.

Overall Starcraft: Brood War is a great expansion pack. It is a must have to anyone that enjoyed the original Starcraft. I highly recommend this game.

Grade: A

An e sports retrospective

Starcraft: Brood War was unique for being one of the first televised video games. In South Korea, this game was incredibly popular as the multiplayer one versus one scene was highly competitive and fun to watch. I saw many Korean games and could appreciate the high level the games were played at. For anyone interested in catching up on e-sports, I would recommend finding pro matches and appreciate how the professionals optimize each of the races. They are able to use the units in a special manner and it makes the game exciting.

Starcraft Remastered

Starcraft Remastered is a remake of Starcraft and its expansion Brood War with high definition sprites and resolutions.The exact same game play from the old games is here but with a modern polish. Every unit and building looks crisp and still maintains that distinct look and feel. The cut scenes have not been redone but the resolution for them has been increased. The same bugs or features depending on your view are still here. The multiplayer does have some quality of life improvements, with a matchmaking features to make even games. Finding an opponent is easier in the update. There are some downsides such as bugs in its multiplayer and if one is a serious player, I would recommend waiting for more information concerning the multiplayer. Overall I would recommend this remaster.

Grade: B
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