12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sure, watch the whole series, because it is pretty good. Throughout the series you will see things that would never have happened in Britain's navy of the period, but most of the technical mistakes are understandable from the standpoints of budget or storytelling. (Example: It is impossible to shoot a musket or pistol of this era with the accuracy shown here.) Another reviewer describes the Pellew/Hornblower relationship portrayed here as Over The Top, and I agree.

But this movie goes so very far from presenting a good Georgian naval officer, let alone CS Forester's Hornblower, that I actively dislike the movie. A good officer would not criticise his commander to his face, especially not in front of witnesses. The Hornblower of the books is always circumspect in the presense of suprior officers.

Serious spoilers follow:

And a good officer would not allow a brief a romantic entanglement to jeopardise a mission in the way shown here. (We can discuss the similar death of a mistress in later years, but she was a combatant, not a damsel in distress.)

An English earl and major fawns over Hornblower despite the junior officer having opportunity at only to demonstrate general competence, and poor horsemanship.

Finally, the climactic scene in which Hornblower's ship appears suddenly in a clear day, and then, from a mile offshore drops cannon fire just over the heads of the shore party, goes beyond my ability to suspend disbelief.
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