Slow, awkward, and stupid ending
14 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Note to directors: When you want to add suspense to a movie, don't make things awkward thinking that's a good substitute. Awkwardness just makes thing awkward, nothing more. And then you don't want to keep watching it, or you start skipping past the awkward mess.

The Butterbox story is a good idea for a movie but was done poorly. Parts of it made no sense. And the ending...my God the ending! It's typical hollywood nonsensical BS. Just when you think everything is turning out fine, BOOM, something weird and unexpected happens. Except it's not unexpected. Twist endings in horror movies have been a useless and despised staple since the 1990s.

I can hear the creators talking about it now. "So, we're writing a horror movie, and we're going to set it up so everyone thinks it's all ok at the end. Then Wham, we come in with a twist ending! No one will be expecting it! The audience will be like woa man, that really surprised me." Except no one is surprised. It's clichéd.

And one last thing... when Jesus said "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God", he wasn't saying the children should suffer. The modern translation is, "You're going to have to put up with children coming to me. Don't forbid them, for this is like the Kingdom of God." He explained that people should come to him with trusting faith like children. Unfortunately, Hollywood and the radical left want to pervert that into something like Christians want children to suffer. That's because Hollywood and the radical left hate Christians and want to distort the truth about them. No surprise there.
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