Perry Mason: Chapter Three (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Excellent cast, good costumes, tired of grit.
15 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show seems to be following in the footsteps of other TV shows where they take the title and there the similarity ends. I have learned to recognize the red flags of shock value when an episode leads with the killing of a child or baby, along with an explicit sex scene sometime during the episode, and for good measure a liberal sprinkling of profanity, moral decay and cold blooded pragmatism.

Usually I would turn it off in the first 10 minutes but I really really like Matthew Rhys. Unfortunately I was tired of his character before the end of the episode. Still...morbid curiosity and playing games while it ran in the background had me continue on until episode 4, and now at this point. I am severely uninterested and could care less.

Casting really lucked out, nothing to complain about in anyone's performance. Era is immersive and I really did feel set design and clothing was well represented. Now I just want the politics to end, oily men to get their due, and the murderers to actually get to a courtroom. Bleh.
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