Autumn Dreams (2015 TV Movie)
Meh ... watch if you have absolutely nothing else to do
15 July 2020
I feel like the scriptwriter couldn't make up her or his mind about the main characters. Is Ben a nice guy or is he a jerk to kiss Annie when they are engaged to other people. Settle your relationship with shallower-than-a-puddle fiancé before you go kissing other girls Ben!

Is Annie a hillbilly (the wide eyed "wow there are so many people" amazed look from her as they drove through New York was so stupid a comment) or is she a soon to be PhD Annie who is a braniac? Also what woman lets a complete stranger dictate (yes dictate) to her which wedding gown is the one and which is not? Why make Annie appear to be so mindless and characterless?

And rude. She is so rude. She is invited to attend the rehearsal and doesn't even turn her phone to silent. Then she breaks Joe's heart by breaking up with him and then commandingly tells him "Don't you dare go out of my life." Gosh!

Seriously, why make the female lead so awful a character?

Is Ben's fiancé a witch to railroad him on every decision about his apartment and about the wedding or is she a nice girl who helps a hillbilly choose her wedding gown? And how can she invite Annie to the rehearsal (which is for intimate family and friends) without even talking to Ben about it?

And what chauffeur hangs out at his employer's home outside work hours? Bizarre.

I'm not crazy about skinny kid looking Colin Egglesfield (practically non-existent shoulders) though he does come across as rich charming well. Also not so crazy about the younger version of Jill Wagner who looks pretty hostile despite the constant smile. Her eyes are pretty stone cold so the chemistry between them is not really believable.

Also unbelievable - if you have ever planned a wedding for 400 people, you will know that you have no breathing time the days leading up to the wedding and yet the bride has time to go away and work and the groom has day (from his high powered job at that) and night to hang out with his current-wife-soon-to-be-ex-wife.

The amount of time these two spend together in intimate 'dates', how do neither of them feel like they are cheating on their current-soon-to-be-spouses?

And one person wiping something off the other person's face is really done to DEATH. Enough please with that. I've seen it happen in over 40 Hallmark movies and it is now contrived and utterly unimaginative.

Too bad. The main storyline on paper could have made for an amazing movie. Didn't come onto the screen that way. No heartstrings tugged until the last 5 minutes of the show and then it was probably the song.

Wait. Why are they getting married again if they are already married?? Well at least she got to use the wedding gown chosen for her by his bride-to-be-turned-ex-bride.

Finally, please don't litter the earth with torn paper. So incredibly un-eco friendly.
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