Love in Harmony Valley (2020 TV Movie)
15 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
LOVE IN HARMONY VALLEY follows Will and Emma as they try to convince the people of Harmony Valley to approve a plan to reopen the town's closed winery and bring new jobs and revenue to the people. Just when it looks like the plan is going to get approved, Emma's grandmother, Rose, intercedes and could cause the whole thing to crash. Meanwhile, Will and Emma begin to develop feelings for one another while working together.

From the lips of Amber Marshall, "Both characters come into this story with their own turmoil, and they can see the weakness in each other and in turn, they help each other overcome it but it's not recognized in the very beginning," Amber Marshall says. "As they develop a relationship and as they start to recognize the history between each other, it unravels into this beautiful and magically fresh love story."

Based on a novel by Melinda Curtis, LOVE IN HARMONY VALLEY is charming and contains just enough mystery and conflict to keep audiences engaged. It also has a strong pro-capitalist worldview where characters want to revive an old business and revamp the town to bring in more jobs, revenue and tourism. The movie showcases moral elements like taking care of your family and friends and working together for a common goal.

For the Heartland fans out there, the movie does show Amber in a different light. Not only does Emma wear tons of make-up but she dresses like an older woman as well. (Were not sure the age they were going for but honestly I thought 50's for her but not Will or Tracy which was kinda weird.) Wearing sweaters and dresses much of the movie. Emma is not confident and somewhat unsure of herself. Unlike Amy, Emma has trouble dealing with her feelings. The acting honestly reminded me of Amber's earlier work in the Elizabeth Smart Story. It was good to see Amber as an adult in a role very different from Amy, who we have all grown to love. We hope Amber's next film is an action movie or maybe become a super hero. This would really stretch her acting ability and show this girl really can do it all!

We can't forget Eric Hicks! He played Will in the movie. Eric is a strong actor. In many ways he is what I pictured Will would be from the books. Be sure to check out his other work and follow his promising career.

Overall, LOVE IN HARMONY VALLEY is your typical sweet, made for TV, love story, of a movie. Like many films of this nature it does seem to have flow issues at moments but not enough to complain about. As with other movies made from a book series there are things implied as well as things in the book that are not in the movie. (As someone who had read the books it's hard to not judge from this perspective.) I do think a bit more backstory and explanation could help the flow.
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