Beware the Batman: Instinct (2013)
Season 1, Episode 11
17 July 2020
Beware the Batman 2013 computerized catastrophe Cartoon Network quickly pulled from prime Saturday morning slot ran out-of-sight after midnight, only Batman series TO FAIL, episode shows WHY. Set decade before THE series, Jim Gordon not commissioner yet, no Robin, Harvey Bullock, Summer Gleeson at least not HamilDULL Hill and Batgirl. Supporting cast unmemorable, no episode up to Christmas With the Joker or Trial TO START WITH, would watch those again before any here. D-List villains dominate, and as commentator realized, makers didn't, "D-list villains are D-List for a reason." The computerized imagery unbearably ugly, characters look like pressing faces against the TV screen, Pyg and Toad together too much, makes one sick. Hard to care about fool fashionista victims. Been better back if Calendar Girl on return-revenge-rampage, Summer covering Fashion Week got caught--as - in - CAUGHT--up in the action, SOMEone to CARE about.
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