Beyond the Rainbow (2001 TV Movie)
Far beyond the slightest bit of quality too
21 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Jenseits des Regenbogens" is a German television film from 2001. The title means "Beyond the rainbow" and this already shows you the pretense and cringe that come with this movie because there is not a single connection to rainbows here whatsoever during these 1.5 hours and this title says nothing and could have been used for thousands of other movies as well where it would not have been a worse fit. This film is part of a series of Adelsromanzen films, which means movies that includes romance storie linked to aristocratic characters. And if you have romance and ARD combined, this is almost never a good sign at all and certainly not here. But I will talk a bit later on about specific scenes and plot twists that made this certainly a horrible movie. The cast is not too shabby though. Eva Habermann may be more on the great looks side than great acting, but she is somebody somewhat famous here in Germany and probably back then was even more famous. The male lead Breuer I am not familiar with, but Drache and Pascal have their own pretty memorable bodies of work. For really different reasons though, be it softcore films or Edgar Wallace adaptations. A bit sad to see that this film here pretty much marked the end of Drache's career and life with all he has done before. He certainly could have gone out on a higher note and I say this as somebody who admittedly has never been particularly big on Edgar Wallace, so the real fans of these films (and I know there are many, fans not films, well films too) are probably even more disappointed that this is the garbage that Drache appeared in during his final years. And Antoine Monot Jr. is in here as well. People nowadays maybe know him more from MediaMarkt commercials than his films, but actually he is one you always recognize immediately and also a really prolific actor who has been in some decent movies. Here he plays a photographer and close friend of the central (female) character. After all he is the first who finds out about her pregnancy. And Michael Mittermeier is in here too and he plays the other man. Most probably probably first think of the comedian with the similar name, but this Mittermeier we have here is also a pretty established actor. Has been for a while Anyway, with the aforementioned pregnancy: There we already have one inclusion that was truly cringeworthy. I shall get to that now in the second paragraph.

First of all, I would like to say that how they depiced the two worlds (her simple life and the world of aristocracy) and tried to combine them through Habermann's character felt really clumsy to be honest. But this is by far not the worst thing about this movie. It is already unrealistic enough how the two lovebirds meet again after such a long time and how they try to justify why he never called her and there is not even any talk about why she did not try to contact him. I mean his name is pretty special with his heritage and she could have found him like that. Anyway, of course it is true and pure love immediately. But nonetheless there are also obstacles immediately. The first conflict between them was really a joke, so forced and for the sake of it and unrealistic. The only purpsoes was them finding each other again and him screaming out his love to her and immediately asking her to marry him and of course she is all happy. Hey, who cares if they probably weren't in touch for a month already anyway. Also pretty telling that they do not care too much about birth control apparently and she gets pregnant immediately as I mentioned earlier. And how Mittermeier's character is not on her mind anymore at all, but she enters into a carefree romance with somebody else right afterwards. There is a word for that and it has four letters and starts with an s. Of course, in between we constantly get alleged drama scares like when the guy early on with the horse accident fakes as if he was injured or even dead only to fool the woman with them. Or when Habermann's character does not immediately show up on the surface after a potential boating accident. Of course, we also get super dramatic music in these scenes each time. The cringe is real. But maybe the worst scene from this movie is when the disgruntled woman who also has an interest in out handsome aristocrat loses it and shoots and kills a character thinking it was him. But it was not. It was the brother. So unreal the slow motion scene with the rifle. Plain horrible. The consequence is that the one aristocrat who would inherit everything is dead. So what do we do? We just pick the male protagonist and now he is the one who gets everything. Not just everything really precious, but also all the responsibility. And this means he can no longer be with a non-aristocrat lady? Ooookay. So yeah makes sense he immediately gets together with the widow from his brother and they are a couple now. I mean who cares the love of her life just died and he had to give up on the love of his live for reasons of rank, but hey you would also be amazed at dating your dead brother's girlfriend immediately after your brother dies right? What is this stupidity? The sad thing is they were really serious with that. Just take Monot's comment on how, if his close friend was not involved, it all makes sense and is a good solution for everybody obviously. They were genuinely trying to convince audiences that this is right. I don't know what to say even about this. I mean it is definitely a change somehow that they did not pull through with a happy ending between the two main characters because of what happened if we compare it to other ARD movies and productions, but they clearly found the one way that is 100% inferior even to an entirely unrealistic happy ending. How fitting that the former boyfriend is back now too and the two immediately start something and how he takes her back and she takes him back and he accepts her pregnancy and he cannot have any children himself. He never talked about this to her when they were a couple, but now all of a sudden he does? Yeah right. I also really doubt the medical explanation linked to an illness from his childhood is accurate here, but no idea. I'm not a doctor. Still, luckily you don't need to be a scientist to see how much of an abomination this film is. Plain horrible. Early on, it is still just a boring aristocracy film, maybe with the option even for two more stars, but as soon as certain twists happen, this movie hits 100% rock bottom. Is there anything positive I can say? Maybe that the parents would hesitantly accept relationships away from rank when it's not the first-born that is involved. At least slightly realistic, now in 2020 anyway, but also back in 2000. That is the only positive thing though. However, looking at the other projects that director de Roche (very fitting name for this film, very pseudo too) and especially writer Kister worked on, Traumschiff, Danella, Pilcher for the latter, it should not surprise anybody that this film is as low as it gets. I mean one shall not talk badly about the dead (i.e. Kister), but sorry nobody forced her to make these films. Shameful stuff! Just as shameful as this film not only being made, but still being shown on national television almost 20 years after its initial releases. Highly not recommended, the less people see it the better. Huge thumbs-down from me, although I knew this would suck already when I read "Adelsromanzen". Sigh.
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