A GENEROUS DOSE of the "S" word !
22 July 2020
If the sexless prudery of K-Drama is absolutely your cup of tea, you'll be guaranteed to choke on this J-Drama because it dives headlong into that pleasurable activity revolving around the groin. Despite the efforts of organised religion to demonise copulation & the human body, it remains a lot of fun for both genders & bravo to the Japanese for exploring that fact. And a double-bravo for making the lead character here a young woman who really enjoys herself in bed. Momoe ( Rio Uchida ) is single, 27 & works for a company which sub-contracts for the manga industry. There are four co-workers & all five have different perspectives on the S word. Momoe has a group of five men she has regular intimate relations with, though the one she's in love with doesn't love her back & has a proper GF. A nerdy workaholic is in love with a sex worker, another colleague seems to be averse to any relationship with anyone; a recently dumped bodybuilder meets a cross-dresser & the last co-worker is a handsome playboy. And looming over all of them is the weight of parental pressure to do just one simple thing : get married ! ( & preferably have kids too ! ). I found this series very entertaining & the script ( based on a manga ) did a good job in holding my interest. Either I cared about a character or I was keen to see what'd happen to them. There are laughs ( though not enough ), surprises & even a scene or two which touched my heart, while the shallow male propensity for thinking with the little head is given thorough coverage. As to the ending, I initially lamented a lack of closure but then reflected on it & thought it fine; plus in tune with the title ( & also ready for a sequel ). The series also looks good, with interiors mostly given a diffuse, gauzy look. I won't single out any cast for special mention as they're all very capable, but Ms Uchida as the nominal star is always likable though she doesn't have to stretch much. And even though the content is often verbally explicit, those expecting a constant parade of skin will be disappointed. It's similar to "Scum's Wish" in that respect, though that show had people doing things with their clothes on. This one has very little of that. Anyway, I'm ready for Season Two. PS - That intro song ! Aargh ! If it has to be inflicted on us every episode, could the "band" at least wear different outfits ?
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