Ridiculous superstition and pseudoscience
22 July 2020
I love Don Wildman. His shows have always been fascinating, exploring buried cities or places the public isn't usually allowed to visit. This show, though, is just full of garbage.

I guess the Travel Channel wants more "ghost hunting" and "supernatural" content, since this show is about looking for supernatural entities or visiting "cursed" places. There is nothing scientific or even vaguely skeptical here; this show is all about presenting these fictions and myths as fact. Con artists and delusional people are presented as experts and allowed to spew idiotic nonsense, providing no evidence for anything they say.

If Mr. Wildman were investigating these places and phenomena with actual scientists who were testing claims and looking for actual evidence of the supernatural, the show might be interesting. As it is, though, it's just a show about mind-numbingly asinine stories and adults who have the intellectual development of toddlers. If you're going to make a remarkable claim, you need remarkable evidence to back it up, otherwise you're just an adult who believes the Tooth Fairy is real.

I really wish I could like this show, because Don Wildman is a great and genuinely kind person who is always interesting to watch. This show is just so bad that even Don Wildman can't make it watchable.
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