Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Prodigy (2002)
Season 3, Episode 13
An ordinary case, but an extraordinary villain
23 July 2020
Had heard and seen mixed reactions for "Prodigy", with nobody hating it as such but the highest most of the opinions got was high appreciation rather than love. Have always loved prime-'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit' (and the show was in its prime at this stage), not as much taken with it now, and anything that explores the subject of animal cruelty should be applauded and was hoping that it would be closer to the level of most of Season 3's first half rather than the slight disappointment that was "Protection".

Didn't care for "Prodigy" that much on first watch, with the case not grabbing me. On re-watches, it did fare better as there was more to appreciate. Again like "Protection", the great potential was not fully realised though. With the case something felt missing, but "Prodigy" was lifted to better quality by two things especially which will be talked about soon. It is not a bad episode, a long way from it (actually appreciated it), but it was one of those "wanted to love it but didn't" kind of episodes.

What lifted "Prodigy" from the mixed feelings sort of episode to the slightly above average one it turned out to be were two things. How it handled such a serious and sadly still relevant subject (that should be addressed more) was truly admirable. Anybody who already has a low opinion of animal cruelty, which is likely to be many including me, will far from change their minds and actually find their low opinions intensified. Yet it doesn't exploit the subject or go for overdone shock value, and instead deals with it honestly and in a way where one can see that a lot of homework went into it. Society's indifference towards it here is also frightening.

Even better is the character of Harry Baker, the amorality of the character is both fascinating and terrifying. Michael Pitt's performance is easily in the top 5 of Season 3's guest stars to freak me out, that was the case on first watch and still is. The rest of the acting is also very good, but this is Pitt's episode. The script is thoughtful and well balanced, while the production values and music are also fine.

The case itself though is not so extraordinary, pretty standard and sometimes bland. It could have done with more tension and emotion, things that a vast majority of Season 3's episodes had.

Also absolutely agree that the ending is a let-down. Found it far too abrupt and very rushed, with the amount of loose ends that were left hanging there was the feeling of incompleteness.

Overall though, not bad at all thanks to two particularly great things. 7/10
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