Christmas Belle (2013 TV Movie)
Well done!
23 July 2020
I really have no clue why there are so many negative reviews of this show.

Hunter is supposed to be the Beast. He is, as he should be, a tortured soul who lashes out but who has enough courage to know when he is wrong and who is man enough to apologize. And hey, anybody who loves a dog has beauty within him.

Belle is not a doormat as some reviews say she is. She stood her ground, refused to accept being yelled at and even quit when she felt Hunter's behavior was too much. She is a modern day heroine.

I suppose Angie is the sole accumulation of the furniture that talked and acted as a go between between Beauty and the Beast.

I don't think the love story was contrived and not believable. I think Hunter saw Belle's beauty, outside and inner beauty and I think her standing up to him woke him from a stupor he had fallen into. And I don't get the complaints about the love story happening too fast either. They did wait one year before finally getting married.

Tony is supposed to be Gaston and so of course, he is to come across as a womanizing jerk. And there are complaints about the actor who played Belle's father but in the fairy tale, her father is pretty 'useless' in that he is wrapped up in his own world and is not really looking after his daughter very well so actually, this actor is doing a pretty good portrayal.

Haylie Duff is beautiful as Belle and Nicholas Gonzalez ... why would anyone complain about seeing him with his shirt off? Haha ... no complaints here. He portrays the quiet but strong man really well. He is a bit of an idiot for believing Tony though but oh well, love makes people crazy 😊

I was fine with the music. I felt it was a good sweeping backdrop to the story line.

And ... I love that scruffy dog!
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