Review of Denmark

Denmark (2019)
A rather fortunate story with a realistic feel
23 July 2020
The lead is Unquestionably an excellent actor. The film felt realistic. Moody, downbeat and desperate. I could feel his stress. I felt for the character. Even if I didn't really get to know him too well.

I could understand the move to Denmark but the journey there was very fortunate. It relied on sparse filming and vague story telling. You have to just accept he went from UK to Denmark in the blink of an eye and with a lot of luck.

The love interest was also another very fortunate bit of story telling. It really did start to stretch reality a little. The speed of him being alone to having dinner was a challenge. No real attempt to create a loving romance.

But this disbelief would be dwarfed by the gun And police station scenes. It was like they run out of time and tossed a coin for the ending. Super rushed and super convenient. The ending very anti-climatic, yet Subtle and A little understated.

This is not a comedy. It is a young man at the end. Hopeless. Finding a reason not to give up. The acting was good so it was easy to travel the story. I wanted more from it but what I got was okay. The lead actor is appearing in a lot of productions just lately and this film explains why. I believed his character story so that is a credit to him. I do recommend it but save it for a chilled afternoon. #WearaMask
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