Laugh-In: Guest Starring Don Rickles (1969)
Season 2, Episode 18
Best joke wall scene
25 July 2020
I usually don't care for the closing "joke wall" scene, as the two-liners tend to have a pretty low level of humor. But on this episode Joanne Worley quickly mis-reads one of her lines (not sure if it was said wrong, or out of order, or the other person's line, or what), and realizes this just as she finishing saying it so you hear her trailing off into self-deprecating uncertainty as she starts grabbing, tossing, and trying to read directly from the pink sheets which their jokes are apparently written on (we've never seen these before in the show, so this is a rare behind-the-scenes peek). Arte gives an off-the-cuff reply, then tries to get her back on track, but they quickly give up. Some of the other jokes then go as planned, but others are also apparently misread. Joanne and Goldie Hawn both find the flub-up so amusing they can't correctly say many of their assigned lines, and collapse into laughter, especially during an exchange between Dan and Goldie, where she eventually says the right line, but for a long time multiplies the humor by giggling incessantly at her inability to say her line while a flood of pink sheets--perhaps dropped by actors standing above her--fall past her. Don Rickles clearly reads some of his jokes as written on a theme of "I first heard that joke back when..." but he too starts riffing off the general chaos, and soon it's impossible to tell which lines are pre-written and which ones are ad-libbed in response to the general disarray of the pink sheets flying every which way. It's absolutely the funniest joke wall scene in the series so far, and ends with everyone opening their doors and clapping--perhaps at each other, perhaps at Dan & Dick's commendable effort to hold things together in the middle of the pandemonium.
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