Horrid acting
27 July 2020
How do actors this bad get into the movies? How do casting directors know where to go to find these cut rate, incompetant "actors"? There has to be a rolodex on their desk with cheap, terrible, bottom of the barrel actors. This had a good hook. Sounded like a decent movie. In the beginning, sitting around the table where the paralyzed vet is being briefed, the actors around the table are so completely inept, it was brutal to watch. They were horribly miscast, couldnt deliver believable lines, looked wrong, the long haired guy was embarrassingly bad and miscast. It was like they called the Bad Actors Studio and said..."SEND ME OVER ANY 5 CRAPPY CHEAP ACTORS" ... no attempt to match an actor to a part. You could see they couldnt remember their lines. As bad of acting as ive ever seen and that includes shark movies. But how do such inept people get into movies? How do they get agents? How do they get into the screen actors guild? I liked the concept. A man is put in some secret facility. I thought he would try to outsmart them and escape, but instead, they had some guy go into his room every day breaking one of his bones and it was agonizing screams. Just awful. Amazingly, the special effect were excellent. Odd combinaton They spent 90% of the budget on effects and 10% on horrid actors. I would love to see what salaries these 5th rate actors got for this drivel.
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