Stupid but fun
28 July 2020
Most musicals are quite preposterous and unreal and this one is no exception. Despite some good singing and dancing, this one is pretty lame. Lots of mistakes and unbelievable events. When Tony is at the boarding house to pick up his missing suitcase, the suitcase changes positions throughout the scene. When he leaves he doesn't take his suitcase???? When he and his girls are summoned at the last minute to go on Bob Crosbys TV show, how in the hell could they get all those costumes and orchestrations and fancy sets in such a short time. It would take days to set everything up. And it's very mean spirited of the Eddie Bracken character to lock up and hide the act that was supposed to go on. Just a few of the many complaints about story lines and realities. Oh, Its a musical and anything goes. Impressed with Janet Leighs singing and dancing talents.. Always nice to see Ann Miller do her routine that she has done in all her films. Eddie Bracken is terrible and the two delicatessen characters are worse.
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