ADDicted (2017)
Could have been better if
29 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If this movie was better casted could have been a sequel to 1980's "Ordinary People" cause it's basically what the movie is. Ordinary people thrown in life's unpleasant curve's and struggling to move on after a death. However the two leads in this movie (Luke Guldan and Lauren Sweester) just don't show the chemistry. Kathleen Quinlan who I admit ain't a big fan of plays a cold mother who pushed not only herself but her son for her own needs.

Luke Guldan who plays Drew Dawson a law student who is addicted to Adderall for ADD/ADHD falls deeper on the dependency of the drug as his life gets more demanding who also gives pills to a few other classmates to help them out. The only stand out is character actor Gil Bellows who plays Professor Jeff Mueller, who was forced to fail Drew after he forgot to sight some of his work and is accused of plagiarism.

Drew who meets the professor after a class shows no interest in him but slowly earns his friendship and trust. Slowly this movie build's to a climax but the key word is slowly. As I mentioned before the two lead actor's just didn't have the stigma to deliver that more established actor's could have. Kathleen Quinlan does get her time to shine but her character is mainly background.

It's a good movie that could have been better, it's subject matter seems to domineer the story. College kid's who turn to drugs to help sharpen their minds, athletic abilities and overall performance. Sadly the movie spends too much time showing us what we the viewer already know but feels we need to know more.

In all you won't be disappointed by this movie as it gets it's point across, the end will surely shock you if like me don't see it coming. I myself was satisfied with this movie and may just add it to my collection should I come across it in a store.
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