Stargirl: Shining Knight (2020)
Season 1, Episode 11
The formula is starting to set in.
29 July 2020
This show started off pretty good.Despite an somewhat unlikeable lead character there were some good moments but now with this episode we get that standard formula that has pretty much ruined The Flash which isn't surprising since the same people who ruined/run that show also run this show which means we're going to get episodes like this one where the hero or heroine gets plagued by doubts and has to constantly get uplifting pep talks from the team and those around them telling them they can do it and then miraculously they get their confidence back and defeat the baddie for that episode until the next time they get doubts and need a pep talk.Also everyone except for that ONE person will know their secret identity thus making the concept moot.I had really hoped this show wold be different from the rest but now it seems the formula that plague all these shows is starting to set in.
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