Captain Fury (1939)
Let's be kind and forget about this one
29 July 2020
I've always wondered why Brian Aherne wasn't the star Errol Flynn was, when he was incredibly handsome, a good actor, and resembled the new Australian star. If you'd like to see him in his own version of Captain Blood, check out Captain Fury four years later. He plays an Irish convict sent to Australia, where he escapes his environment and forms a band of rebels.

This movie really isn't good. Much like we all forget about Errol Flynn's In the Wake of the Bounty for his sake, this is a good one to forget about for Brian Aherne's sake. I couldn't even make it all the way through, and if I couldn't sit through a movie with a handsome man in it, you know it has to be bad. I'm a fan of swashbuckling adventure flicks, but only when they're good. Stick with Captain Blood.
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