Jonathan Creek (1997–2016)
Unbelievable attraction between Maddy and Jonathan
30 July 2020
Excellent show as far as the plots and the way they solve the mysteries! BUT the weird relationship those two had was hard to stomach every episode. She looks about 10 years older than he is....and plays games with him like a teenager instead of a grown woman who is supposedly a famous writer! I mean, she knows he's shy and on the autistic spectrum (most likely) yet she just can't bring herself to let him know she loves him!? Instead she lies to him continuously, gets jealous like a school kid, and they get close to having sex more than once YET can't pick up where they left off!? I could hardly take watching a nice looking guy, smart, kind, and intelligent being jerked around by a pudgy, not very attractive, nor intelligent woman who is contstantly stuffing her face and eating in a very disgusting way! What he ever saw in her was a total mystery?! So, their relationship was just annoying. Had they just been "partners" in solving crimes it would've been great and their individual characters with all their quirks would've been wonderful!
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