Pleasant homecoming
4 August 2020
Hallmark has always left me very mixed with their Christmas output. They certainly do have their fair share of good films, but also quite a lot of average at best ones. Saw 'Homecoming for the Holidays' anyway for completest sake, but also because the title was heart-warming, the music was country-oriented (a style/genre of music highly appreciated by me) and Lauren Osnes is very talented at what she does. So actually expctations were a little higher than usual.

And on the most, those expectations were met. Is 'Homecoming for the Holidays' great? Not quite. Is it worth watching? By Hallmark Christmas film standards yes it is. Just for the record, there is no bias against Hallmark's Christmas output, but to me a lot of them are heavily flawed and it's beyond the predictability often seen with their films. 'Homecoming for the Holidays' generally though is among the better films of Hallmark's festive output.

By all means, it is flawed. A lot of the story is foreseeable early on and takes a while to set up. Like with too many Hallmark Christmas films, the music could have been used a lot less and been a little less over-scored.

Some of the dialogue is on the slightly banal side.

On the other hand, 'Homecoming for the Holidays' looks good. The scenery is lovely to watch, regardless of the authenticity, and complemented with style and slickness by the photography. The music is affectionately used and is not as too overused or intrusive as the music for other Hallmark films. The direction accomodates well but doesn't make things drag too much.

In terms of the script, it doesn't sound too stilted and most of the dialogue is not too cheesy or too saccharine, if it had more depth and wasn't as banal as it was at times it would have been even better. The story may be predictable, but more often than not warms the heart and has quite a lot of appeal. The characters are rootable ones and Osnes proves herself to be a more than competent actress as well as a great singer. She is partnered with Stephen Huszar, he appeals as well and they work very well together. The supporting cast do well too, if not quite up to the same level.

All in all, pretty good. 7/10
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