Riverdale: Chapter Sixty-One: Halloween (2019)
Season 4, Episode 4
Interesting season so far
4 August 2020
I actually really like Jughead's storyline so far. They are supposed to be teenagers after all. Nice to see a story that fits the character's age but is still intense. I'm curious where this leads us. Especially with the last scene.

Archies current story is still a bit boring. Can't really say, what to think of it yet. But there are plenty of episodes to go.

Betty annoys me though. She is a teenager, who is a car expert, picks every lock in nanoseconds, dismantles bombs, draws conclusions out of nowhere, outraces the police on a motorcycle, even though we've never seen her riding one before etc. This character is so over the top. It's ridiculous. I really liked her at the beginning. I hope they tone it down a bit and let her be a relatively normal teenager again.

Cheryl...well a bit disturbing. But at least she seems more consistent lately and doesn't change personality every episode.

Overall, I like this season so far. Can't wait to see everything unfold.
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