Otilia Rauda (2001)
more like 80s hollywood western flick. but its 2001 mexican flick.
5 August 2020
The movie is bit long, some boring long non-dialouge scenes , but still a good performance.

A really good shape Mexican woman but has huge black spot on her face ( which the movie doesn't show that people bully her about her looks or even her husband), so her daddy gave her to marry a police officer which she doesnt like, and later on wedding night, he gave her STD. which made sterile and also heartless , soulless, she even had sex with another guy which she likes before. things gets excited when she found a criminal ends up wounded and she n her friends cared him. and she kinda fall in love .

the movie has some kinda stupid ending but its sad. i wish it could be more better. but anyhow, she has really good hot body.
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