Japan Sinks 2020 is More Than What it Seems
6 August 2020
When I first saw the trailer, I thought it would be like any other natural disaster show. And when I refer to 'any other natural disaster show' I thought it would be filled with mostly characters talking and fighting, very mild action and only a little bit of gore because that's what I experienced growing up. But no, I was wrong. VERY wrong.

You see, I'm not really a big fan of gore and disasters because it makes me feel weird in the stomach. So when I watched the first episode I was in shock. IN THE FIRST 10 MINUTES, there's already an earthquake and there's blood everywhere. It feels as if I was in the show because I was very nervous and I didn't expect that to happen (just like the earthquake). As the show progresses, the episodes seem to get darker and the story line seems to get more interesting.

What I liked about the episodes was that there was always something shocking happening. There is always that one scene in the episode that makes you go "What just happened?" or "Just like that?! WHAT?" That makes you more engrossed in the story. Also, they always seem to end with a cliffhanger or a plot twist which is great because it makes you want to watch more episodes. Overall, the story line is great, 10/10 story line.

Some other aspects of the show that I would like to comment on is the art and the lessons. The art is very unique because it is the first time that I've seen an art style with little to no shading. The art style makes you appreciate how the outline of the character was drawn. Not to be over dramatic or anything but the art style reminds me of the quote that sometimes 'simple is more".

Despite the fact that the show is very dark, gory and shocking we can pick up a few lessons from it. There are 2 lessons that I learned while watching the show. One, family is very important and you will always find a way to get back to them. Two, even if everything around you is falling apart and you encounter problems left and right, learn to not give up and keep moving forward.
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