8 August 2020
Look, I get it that ppl don´t want to be confronted with bad news, situations or truth, but ...

If there´s a reality show with Kim Kardashian, ppl love it, but when it´s about what is really happening in the world of "ordinary ppl" than we tend to switch off and judge it with a 1.

Episode1 is about healthcare workers and immediately ppl start to judge it very very harshly because it´s not what they want to hear or see. This has happened in NY and is now happening in more states all across the US.

You can close your eyes or look the other way, but at this rate it will come to a lot of us.

Basically, if you´re hoping for an uplifting story or something with a happy ending, don´t watch nor judge it. If you want to know what actually happened, hear it from the ppl that were there "hands on" it´s worth the time.

It won´t make you happy, but it´ll give you the info that others are desperately trying to avoid, alter or deny.

August 8, let´s see where we´re at in 3 weeks from now ...
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