Review of Wax Patrol

Doom Patrol: Wax Patrol (2020)
Season 2, Episode 9
It Is What It Is
8 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it'd be nice if they could do episode 10. But they couldn't. So putting out this episode 9, was the best they could do. Otherwise folks would be complaining that episode 8 ended with nothing even left hanging on a cliff.

Was the episode okay? Parts were good, parts were bad. Things like Larry not having an imaginary friend didn't make much sense, but it's hard to believe that plot point would have made more sense if they had another episode. It seems more like the writers not having enough time or imagination to squeeze Larry and his emotional subplots in. Maybe a case of too many to fit in, when that could have taken an entire episode.

Did anyone get a resolution? No. Rita is still dealing with her role as a superhero, Larry still has several decades of guilt burdening him, Vic remains a man-child. Roni is nowhere to be seen.

Were there good parts? Sure. The creepy wax-enshrouded fair, and Cliff in general whether he's is unleashing more rounds of cursing, or fighting Jesus. And even the creepiness of Roxy, and the weirdness of Doctor Cowboy, aka Phil Morris in a more light-hearted role than usual.

The only character who got a decent plotline was Jane, as we find out more about Miranda. That ended on a cliffhanger of sorts, too, with "Miranda" revealed as something other than another alter in Kay's subconscious. But it gave Diane Guerrero a lot to do, and Jane got a Me, Too moment as she chastises the free love men as control freaks. It doesn't say much for the women of the 60s, who apparently bought into men controlling them.

So overall, "Wax Patrol" was a decent episode given the circumstances. Yes, the episode cuts off abruptly, but the DC Universe stuff already underwent that with season 1-2 of 'Titans'. The DC stuff has already been subject to rescheduling and interrupted cliffhangers. So seeing it happen now is old hat.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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