Sort of a sister film to "Love Me Tonight"
9 August 2020
As a film history buff, I found this little known movie most interesting. It's partially a sister film to the innovative classic Love Me Tonight, though inferior to it.

The first segment of This Is the Night seems almost surely directed by Roubin Mamoulian; it's very similar in style, camerawork, and editing to what Mamoulian created in Love Me Tonight. Based on what I've seen of credited director Frank Tuttle's film output, I doubt he had the taste or technique to create something so avant garde and artistic. It uses sound effects as a comic substitute for dialog and singing, and features unusual screen compositions, fast cutting, and a very mobile camera. All clues that Mamoulian created it.

The rest of this comedy film is less interesting, but features witty dialog, and occasional unconventionally staged scenes.

For me, the major flaw is the, impossible to swallow but important, plot conceit that the pretty and rich young woman played by Thelma Todd would cuckhold her studly handsome young husband (Cary Grant) for little,meek, middle aged Roland Young.

Grant is physically is ideal for the part he's playing, but in this, his first film, lacks any charisma or acting ability. However the rest of the cast do a fine job.
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