Atomica (2017)
Obviously written by men
10 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's set in the future, but misogyny and condescension are still in full swing. Great. Technology progresses but men don't. Nothing against the actress, but a model thin actress, with an unsure, hesitant voice and speech pattern, is supposed to be a highly trained tech. Really? This is really annoying. If misogyny is this prevalent in her time and field, she'd be more confident, and aggressive, not more passive. And, she'd probably be pissed off or fed up with the condescending attitude of the men around her. Not to mention way more leery of characters that seem to be completely out of wack with reality.

They should have chosen an actress that looks and sounds like she could actually survive the work or job she's been assigned.

Intelligence, education, and training increases confidence in one's ability and that should show in female characters. Male characters usually have plenty of arrogance and confidence, often without the education, intelligence, or ability to back it up. Just being male seems to be enough in some movies, and in real life. It may sell, but in the end, it underestimates men as well. Makes them seem very one dimensional, and shallow, which they aren't.

This film had potential, but frittered it away. Wasted two good actors, by trapping them in typical male roles. (Sizemore and Monaghan)

Maybe the writers could actually talk with women who work in STEM, before writing their next screenplay. If they did confer with strong women before writing this.... maybe next time they could listen.
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