River (2015)
Unexpected and brilliant
12 August 2020
My wife are I are big fans of Brit police procedurals (Line of Duty, Broadchurch, etc.). We watched River knowing nothing much about it and were at first a bit put off. It's not a typical police drama.

The plot is convoluted and is enough to hold one's interest though it's a bit confusing and the severity of the underlying crime scheme doesn't seem to quite justify the characters' actions. The personal relationships between therapist and patient as well as boss and worker are often inappropriate. And It's certainly fair to ask why River's obvious psychosis is not disqualifying. But, oddly enough, in the end none of that matters because, as I said, beneath the surface this is not a typical police procedural. Rather it's about relationships, love, loneliness and longing.

Skarsgard and Walker are brilliant. Eddie Marsan makes the most out of a small part. It's a testament to his ability that I had to repeatedly convince myself that this was the same actor who played Terry in Ray Donovan. Because much of the story has been discussed in other reviews and I think it's best watched without much foreknowledge I won't say more except that the ending is surprisingly satisfying and uplifting. Oh, and I can't get that dammed song out of my head.
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