Shark Week: Extinct or Alive: The Lost Shark (2019)
Season 31, Episode 1
Has anyone else had the misfortune to see the 2020 sequel to this special, yet?
12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How on Earth does this guy have the nerve to call himself a wildlife biologist? First of all, rays and sharks may both be cartilaginous fishes. But, that does not make them anymore interchangeable than monkeys and apes. At least, not to any self-respecting zoologist!

English translation; ornate sleeper rays are not sharks. They are electric rays similar to the common torpedo ray. And the only thing they have in common with white-tailed weasel sharks is their rarity (first reported in the early 1980's). Which, in turn, means they have _not_ been missing for a hundred years!

Keep this up, Galante, and your career will go the same way as that of whatever Discovery Channel exec first authorized that mock-umentary about the South African Megalodon.
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