St. Vincent (2014)
Pleasant morality tale elevated by A-list cast
14 August 2020
Murray is at his irascible finest as Vincent, a loveable anti-hero who as the film progresses is more saint-like than you'd first realise. I wasn't expecting the film to become such a standard moral fable ("don't judge a book by its cover" etc) and it's to the film's detriment it covers such familiar ground in such a conventional way. However the presence of such a talented cast clearly elevates St Vincent to heights the script alone could never hope to reach. The chemistry between Murray and child star Lieberher provides numerous laugh out loud moments. Watts is both endearing and highly entertaining as the Russian lady of the night. McCarthy is on strangely subtle form - which she plays truthfully - but isn't given much to do. Overall a pleasant, easy watch that thanks to a highly skilled cast just about manages to side-step schmaltzy sentimentalism.
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