Project Power (2020)
A respectable thrill. Will watch it again.
16 August 2020
Here are some things you are not hearing from other reviewers: this movie does what sci fi dystopian fantasy is meant to do and more. Change one or two things and show how characters deal with it. In addition, other worthy topics are bravely touched on: PTSD, fallout from broken families, the feeling of pointlessness at what is taught in school when competing with inordinate pressures in real life. Racial bias from police and others. Disrespect between police and the people they are meant to be saving. Different factions of law (local v FBI or CIA etc) difficulty working together. I found these additional topics to give this movie a taste of authenticity I don't think I see often enough, especially after the disgusting reality of George Floyd's murder. Very timely!

Great effects, amazing actors. Netflix may want to turn this into a series, but I suggest it be a very limited run as much further dilution of the subject will bore.

P.S. other reviewers compare it to Limitless. Maybe it's like Push too. But it's also it's own thing.
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