Keaton's Funniest Movie
21 August 2020
Most people call The General Buster Keaton's Masterpiece, But to me, I look no further then Steamboat Bill Jr. A hilarious, romantic romp, Keaton's comedic skills are put to the test in his final independent comedy.

A young man returns from school to aid his father in his steamboat ferry. Meanwhile, he's fallen in love with the daughter of his father's competition.

Keaton's comedy reached a magnificent crescendo with Steamboat. I not only found myself giggling and laughing constantly, but also being blown away with Keaton's masterful timing and direction. And don't forget the stunt work. It also features what is likely his most famous stunt.

This film does not get the love it richly deserves. It's sweet, funny and a wonderful film about a guy trying to get the girl of his dreams, with some hiccups along the way.
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