The Gone Game (2020–2022)
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23 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Gone Game was difficult to judge, comment or rate. It had many celebrities but it couldn't catch my eyes to it. From the start, the so called 'web series' was lame. It did've a story but the casts couldn't make that to logical outcome. Sahil was a surprise, so was his wife. Amaira throw away the smiley girl image and she did well. Surprisingly, I wasn't expecting the acting Sanjay Kapoor did. He was a complicate yet seditious. This series was shot during #Lockdown and so you could imagine the curiosity. It depicts the end of March 2020 and onwards. Tough times bring us closer. Likewise their family was. They speak everyday. Sahil stays in quarantine away from his wife. But he talks with them. Suddenly he felt the symptoms of #CoVID19. So he goes with his friend Prateek (Sengupta) but he tells his wife to remain indoor. Prateek then tells his wife that he's #CoVID19 positive and he'll be in watch. After a day he tells Sahil's wife that he's dead. After hue and cry of his family, Amira his sister gets to know the real culprits and lock Prateek and Sahil's wife. She does so with the help of a hacker. Who in this world hacks someone's laptop, cell phone and CCTV? Does that hacker not fear his life while doing that? Anyway, after that the web series became interesting. She also realises that Prateek and Sahil's wife didn't do his murder. She talks to Sahil's wife and Sahil's wife says that she won't let him spoil life. On the other hand, Sahil stays in Prateek's home and he's planning to fed away to Nepal. It's average series. New that it was shot in #Lockdown. View if you wanna.
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