First Contact (I) (2016)
21st Century religion?
23 August 2020
Prophets have regularly appeared during human history. Their tales and preaching differed depending when they lived. So Jesus declares he is the son of God and teaches his learning from his father God. The messages are all about love and respect of human life, generating a positive attitude towards the world. Mohamad follows the same line, being in contact with Allah through angel Gabriel. The first parts of the Quran also promote messages of love and tolerance. Both Jesus and Mohamad reference the time when God/Allah/Jehova will make contact with humans and exercise Final Judgment. Darryl Anka follows the same path, putting it into the 21st century perspective. He communicates with Bashar across the Galaxy and delivers messages of peace, respect and positivity in our lives. He even gets more precise as physical contact will happen within the next 20 years. It is difficult to ignore the parallel between these fantastic three preachers. It is also difficult to brush aside what humans have done of these moral lessons when these were regrouped under a religion name. Look at this documentary with an open as well as a critical mind. It is interesting when brushing out the "super natural" and sometimes convoluted language.
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