Review of 1BR

1BR (2019)
No Payoff for the Time Invested
25 August 2020
Ever build a campfire? You gather flash, kindling, and solid wood. You stack it up oh so carefully. You light it up. The flash produces a flame. The flame ignites the kindling. Then you wait until the fire roars to life and you get a spectacular display. This movie is what you get when you use green wood for the fire. It builds up then just fizzles and smokes. Budget wasn't the problem, screenplay was. I understand what the screenwriter was trying to say, and the movie itself is shot beautifully, but the story just fizzles out at the end. I expect this review will be downvoted (not helpful) quite a bit, as most of the negative reviews are, by the "community" of the movie, but... It's My Life!
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