I Wish...for a better sequel...
25 August 2020
I am someone who loves horror films, especially corny horror films such as Leprechaun and the Critters films. Being a huge fan of the first film, and buying the collection on Blu-Ray recently, I was excited about seeing the other films, bad or not I was ready to be entertained. Of course I had seen the rating on IMDB at 5.1, not a bad rating for a straight to video sequel. Maybe that was my problem, I went in with high hopes and walked away with nothing. The story line is pretty decent, not really sure if it follows the first movie or if it's a stand alone sequel like Leprechaun 2. The acting wasn't great, but I didn't expect Academy Award winning. The first problem I noticed in this film was very early on when we are introduced to the Wishmaster played by the great Andrew Divoff...well not so great in this one. For some reason this version of Wishamaster didn't sound like he did in the first one, it didn't have that creepy quality. I didn't mind that the Wishmaster looked a little different, still keeping in line with the first film.

The kills this time around, albeit corny, as not really that interesting. The special effects looked childish, especially in the casino scene towards the end. There is not much to say about this film. I didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as I did the first, but I don't regret watching it and I'm sure someday down the road I will watch it again...just not any time soon.
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