Acceptable Sci-Fi film by the great Terence Fisher dealing with an uncommon heat wave and strange events at a lonely island
27 August 2020
¨Island of the burning dead¨ or ¨Night of the Big Heat¨, or ¨Island of the Burning Doomed¨ is Terence Fisher's Sci-fi movie in which bizarre creatures from outer space threaten an isolated remote community at a Northern island called Fara . It begins with the Opening credits : All characters and events in this film are fictitious and any similarity to persons either living or dead is purely coincidental . Science-fiction thriller with fantastic elements , set at an island off the coast of Great Britain , there happens strange deaths of villagers , while suffering heavy sweat . Meantime , mainland Britain shivers in deepest winter and a freezing season , as the northern island of Fara bakes in the nineties . Authorities have no more idea what is happening than the regulars at the Swan Pub . Only a stand-offish visiting scientific (Christopher Lee) who has rigged up a laboratory in the security of the White Swan hotel has suspicious and dark conjectures . As he believes the heat's caused by energy starved aliens . Meanwhile , the new secretary (Jane Merrow) to the local best-selling author (Patrick Allen) is raising the temperature in her own way . As the island is overrun by strange whirring noises allegedly caused by weird beings . These fantastic creatures assault and attack citizens by heating rays and blasts , subsequently threatening to consume the world . Then , some brave people go into action to investigate and discover the rare origin of an alien invasion and what seems to be the source of the heat . From outer space ..came a devastating death!.Mysterious Invaders From Outer Space Create Their Scorching Heat Rays That Consume the People and an Island! Searing Terror! Burning In Its Intensity!

Moving picture from a science fiction novel by John Lymington , contains good interpretations , chills , thrills , and astonishing attacks by amazing creatures . Here carry the flick the following ones : Christopher Lee who suspects aliens are to blame the rare phenomenon going on , as well as Patrick Allen who married to Sarah Lawson falls for the seducer beauty Jane Merrow , in fact they were husband and wife in real life as well ; all of them , giving first-rate performances . Along with enjoyable secondaries , such as : the always charming and courteous Peter Cushing in a minor role as guest star playing the local doctor who is frazzled to death , Percy Herbert , William Lucas , Kenneth Cope , among others . All actors shot the film in cold conditions as they suffered from wearing very light dresses in a freezing season , that's why they had to be covered with glycerin to create the illusion of high temperature . The premise is the following : How can three people stop the devouring death that live and spread across the countryside and delivering mighty hot . This "Island of the burning doomed" 1967 concerning a brute heat wave accompanied by invading aliens bears certain resemblance to ¨Island of terror" regarding scientist experiments go wrong , also directed by Terence Fisher and equally starred by Peter Cushing and others as Edward Jud , Carole Gray and Eddie Byrne.

It contains a stirring musical score by Malcolm Lockyer , adding electronic soundtrack as the fantastic beings show up . As well as colorful and glimmering cinematography by Reg Wyer . Shot on location in Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire , The Swan Inn , Broughton Road , Milton Keynes Village, Milton Keynes , Dorset, England , UK and Pinewood studios , as usual . This British-made outing was competently directed by Hammer maestro Terence Fisher . Hammer mainstay Fisher made 3 films for the cheapjack Planet outfit of which this Night of the Big Heat was the last . This fine director made a lot of films for Hammer productions , usually terror genre . Outstanding his Dracula saga : ¨The horror of Dracula¨, ¨The Brides of Dracula¨, ¨Dracula prince of darkness¨ . About Frankenstein : ¨The curse of Frankenstein¨, ¨The revenge of Frankenstein¨, ¨Frankenstein created woman¨ , ¨Frankenstein must be destroyed¨, ¨Frankenstein monster from hell¨. Furthermore, other terror films as ¨The Gorgon¨, ¨The mummy¨, ¨The devil rides out¨, ¨The two faces of Dr Jekyll¨, ¨The curse of the werewolf¨. And other movies as ¨Sherlock Holmes and the deadly necklace¨, ¨Hound of The Baskervilles¨, ¨Black glove¨, ¨Robin Hood, Sword of Sherwood forest¨, ¨Island of the burning doomed¨ and ¨Island of terror¨ . Rating : 6/10 , acceptable and passable ; though neither notable , nor excellent , but decent entry in Science-Fiction genre . Interesting , thrilling scenes and suspenseful twists make for prickes up the spine.
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