13 Geboden (2017–2018)
Dark and twisted
27 August 2020
Belgian cop drama that revolves around the arcane deeds of a person or group (codenamed Mozes) who have assumed a self-appointed guardian role within the local community. They are determined to stamp out moral turpitude by dishing out severe punishments to those who have violated an expanded version of the Ten Commandments. The punishments are invariably grisly and violent; words carved on a forehead with a knife, a tongue cut out, someone set on fire ... the theme of the punishment usually fits that of the crime.

Predictably, Mozes' brutal acts of retribution are glorified by known fascist groups and even garner support from the general public, who are tired of a 'soft touch' judicial system and society's declining morals.

Jaded cop Peter Devriendt puzzles over Mozes' real identity, aided by his ambitious new partner, Vicky. Outside of work, they both wrestle with the personal demons that plague their lives.

A cleverly constructed tale with twists and cliffhangers galore. The acting and character development are for the most part, utterly convincing. - 8.1/10
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