The Night Manager: Episode #1.6 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 6
You Know What They Say. Tiny Feet, Tiny Shoes.
28 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So here we are , with the finale. We begin in London, discussing the debacle at the Syrian border. Burr is being questioned about her operation and how they could have bungled such intel. They are trying to get Burr to reveal her source. And she doesn't. At least there's 1 operative here with some integrity.

Burr returns to her operation and all her people and equipment have been reassigned. Birch calls Burr and reveals that Roper and Company are ALL in Cairo.

Now Pine had had his record of being in Cairo omitted from his record. And Roper point blank asks Pine if he's ever been to Cairo, and Pine says No. So if Roper knows , which he really should considering Corky was a very very thorough person in his background checks, Pine just revealed himself as one big liar. And since Roper keeps bringing up Corky to Pine, it really seems like Roper knows that Pine is the lying bad seed. LOL,, and guess who shows up. Freddie Hamid. Pine keeps his poker face on. And Hamid shows no outward sign of recognition at first, which is quite convenient.

So the transaction for the weapon sale is being completed. Roper gives his WORD, that there will be no problems with this transaction at the border like there was in Syria.

Pine asks Jed to get the documents he saw a courier deliver for Roper out of roper's hotel safe. Burr is in a Hotel room with US Agent Steadman, all the pieces are in play now, at the Hotel Nefertiti where it all began! Pine finds time and an outlet to visit with Burr in the her room. Burr tells Pine that her operation has been stripped away, and it's basically just Burr, Steadman, And Pine left.

So Jed, she watches Roper seal up the safe in his room. Jed gets the code to Pine. Pine gets the code to Burr. Burr, ballsy as hell, she gets into Roper's room and gets the document from the safe.

Burr is almost caught by Roper's security but a timely distracting call from Steadman saves her.

-1 Star for that call, conveniently timed for no apparent reason at all.

Roper is becoming increasingly suspicious of Jed. Tells Sandy that Jed is just trying too hard. Freddie get a bit too drink and has to be sent home. Pine escorts him home. Pine is drugging Freddies drink back at Freddie's House. Pine asks Freddie if he killed Sophie Anekan. And Freddie recongizes who Pine is. Freddie confesses that he didn't kill Anekan, it was one of Roper's men. Pine is very angry with Freddie, and proceeds to drown him in his own pool.

The document Jed stole from Ropers safe is returned by Birch. When Jed tries to return the document to the safe, Roper is waiting for her. On his phone, Pine does something with his 300 million in his company account. It probably wasn't something that Roper will approve of.

In Roper's room, Frisky is torturing Jed to find out who the leak is. Roper obviously suspects BIRCH, but he wants her to confirm it.

Roper, Birch, the crew go to the site of the weapons transaction. Roper finally knows it's Pine. Pine's cover is blown. Finally. Roper is kicking himself for making a mistake with Pine. But Roper needs Birch to complete this transaction with the weapon buyers. Steadman is keeping an eye on Pine, and he sees Pine's cover is blown and warns Burr. Burr is able to escape after shooting Tabby in the leg when Tabby comes to kill her. Burr and Jed escape together. When the transaction takes place, and Birch is set to make the Iris identification, Birch makes a call, which sets off explosives in the trucks and all the munitions are destroyed.

This definitely messes up Roper's plan. When they return to the Hotel, Burr is waiting in Roper's room. Roper tries to call Drumgoole, but Drumgoole has been exposed and is not taking Roper's call. US agent and Egyptian Police arrest Roper and Sandy. And Pine is of course there to rub it in as Roper exits in handcuffs. So wait, the buyers, show up and commandeer the Police vehicles. Roper is taken away by the terrorists he was going to supply. Orchestrated by genius level Night Manager Pine.

Next we have Pine and Jed in bed. He saved her. They walk from the Hotel together. Jed is at least an inch taller than Pine. What is he? 5'4"??? Wonder if he's going to get his job at the Hotel back after all this??? Oh wait, where is the 300 million dollars anyway??? Oh they dont even tell!!! This is how it ends???

Okay too much convenient little pieces falling into place for Pine in this last episode. A really cliche ending to what really wasn't that great of a story. Great performances by Laurie and even Hiddleston was pretty good. But the story, lacked. This episode, 4/10
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