Ridiculously bad. Unintentionally hilarious.
29 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you approach this film expecting a quality thriller/action/sci-Fi then you are going to be sorely disappointed. Just warning you now.

There is literally nothing in this that didn't produce snorts of laughter from our family as we watched it. The 'acting' is atrocious, the dialogue is eye-wateringly awful, the plane itself must be made using the same technology as the TARDIS as it has actual BEDROOMS, the uniforms that the flight crew wear look like they were styled by the folk who made Thunderbirds and the CGI is APPALLING.

Nothing that happens makes any sense. The plane suffers a fuel leak and has to land on a mysterious island, and yet next thing it's ok to take off again without anyone appearing to fix the leak. Whilst on the island they're attacked by red-eyed, mutant cats. (And by cats I mean literal cats.) The CGI used to make these cats is so bad it defies description. They are quite simply, ridiculous. Suddenly two military types appear in a jeep and are rescued mid takeoff, and then they proceed to hijack the plane and after various shenanigans, force it to land on an aircraft carrier.

By this point we were all stunned into silence by the sheer dreadfulness of the thing. The film is so full of cliches and tropes it makes 'The Room' look like it was made by Martin Scorsese.

For sheer (unintentional) entertainment value I'd give it 6 stars but my conscience demanded a 2. It's in my top 5 of worst movies I've ever seen and I don't expect it to be replaced any time soon.
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